Keynote Speakers

Dr Zenón Luis-Martínez, President of SEDERI
Universidad de Huelva, Spain
"Chapman's 'Habit of Poesie'"
Zenón Luis-Martínez is Senior Lecturer of English at the University of Huelva (Spain), where he teaches medieval and early modern literature. He has edited Abraham Fraunce’s The Shepherds’ Logic and Other Dialectical Writings (2016) for the MHRA Critical Texts Series. He is the author of In Words and Deeds: The Spectacle of Incest in English Renaissance Tragedy (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002). His articles on English Renaissance and Restoration literature have appeared in journals like ELH, Cahiers Élisabéthains, Parergon, or English Studies. He has also coedited several collections, among them, with Luis Gómez Canseco, Between Shakespeare and Cervantes: Trails along the Renaissance (Newark, NJ: Juan de la Cuesta, 2006), and, with Sonia Hernández-Santano, the special issue Poetry, the Arts of Discourse and the Discourse of the Arts: Rethinking Renaissance Poetic Theory and Practice for Parergon (Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies). His current research includes a critical edition of Chapman’s early poetry and a monograph on printed poetry books in the 1590s. He leads the Research Project “Towards a New Aesthetics of Elizabethan Poetry” (MINECO FFI2017-82269-P). Since May 2018 he is President of SEDERI (Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies).
Professor Sonia Massai
King’s College London, UK
"A Tale of Two John Palmers: Acoustic Reform on the Shakespearean Stage, 1737-1843"
Sonia Massai is Professor of Shakespeare Studies at King's College London, where she teaches a range of graduate and postgraduate modules and is the principal investigator of a research project on “Wartime Shakespeare” funded by the Leverhulme Trust. Her research interest include Shakespeare and early modern drama, performance and theatre history, and editing and book history. She has published several articles and books on these topics, such as Shakespeare and the Rise of the Editor, with Cambridge University Press; World-wide Shakespeare: local appropriations in film and performance, with Routledge; and Shakespeare's Accents: Voicing Identity in Performance, which is coming out in 2020 with CUP. With Thomas Berger, she has edited The Paratexts in English Printer Drama to 1642, and she also co-edited Shakespeare and Textual Studies with Margaret Jane Kidnie. In 2018, Professor Massai was appointed an Order of Merit Officer of the Italian Republic (OMRI) and was also appointed as Honorary Fellow of the English Association (FEA).
Dr Paul Prescott
University of Warwick, UK
"Party in the USA? Festive Shakespeare in the Age of Anger"
Paul Prescott is Reader in English at the University of Warwick and has acted, adapted and taught Shakespeare in a range of countries and contexts. He is the author of Reviewing Shakespeare: Journalism and Performance from the Eighteenth Century to the Present (Cambridge, 2013), a critical biography of Sam Wanamaker for the Great Shakespeareans series (Bloomsbury, 2013), and, as co-editor and contributor, A Year of Shakespeare: Reliving the World Shakespeare Festival (Arden, 2013) and Shakespeare on the Global Stage: Performance and Festivity in the Olympic Year (Arden, 2015). He is the co-founder of the annual "Shakespeare in Yosemite" festival in California.