Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce that the I SEDERI International Conference for Junior Researchers will be held on 9, 10 and 11 October 2019 at the University of Murcia (Spain). This event is part of an initiative born within SEDERI, the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, which seeks to provide a platform where junior researchers from around the globe can gather in order to exchange different ideas, views and opinions on the study of the English language and its literature, history and culture of the 16th and 17th centuries. In order to be regarded as a “junior researcher” participants should belong to one of the following categories: graduate student, MA student, PhD student/candidate, or post-doctoral researcher. Doctors who submitted their dissertations in the last five years are also invited to join the conference.
We welcome proposals in English for 20-minute papers that critically explore questions related to the study of early modern literature, language, history and culture, particularly in relation to the English Renaissance and the English Restoration. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Early modern texts, contexts and stages
Early modern politics and literature: political theory, propaganda, representing the monarchy and ideology in texts and on stage
Anglo-Iberian and Anglo-Mediterranean relations in the early modern period
Early modern customs and rituals: courting, banqueting, dancing, costumes…
Early modern utopias and dystopias
Early modern travel narratives and narratives of migration and exile
Early modern constructions of the figure of the outsider/ the other/ the foreigner and their afterlives
The materiality of the early modern text: critical editions, book history, manuscripts and print culture
Linguistic contact, variation and change in the early modern period
Translations, adaptations, rewrites and appropriations of early modern English texts (from the 16th century to the present)
Performance and reception of early modern English plays
The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is 17 June 2019 (extended to 1 July). Acceptance will be notified before 31 July 2019. Proposals must be sent as an email attachment (.doc and .docx only) to sederijur@um.es and contain the following information:
The author’s name, institutional affiliation, postal address, and email address
A short biographical note (100 words)
The full title of the paper, a 250-300 word abstract, and 4 keywords
Your SEDERI membership status (member, non-member, application submitted). If you wish to join SEDERI, please visit http://www.sederi.org/membership/
If you bring a Power Point presentation, please save it in Power Point 97-2003 and in pdf format. If you use a Mac, please bring your own cable adapter.
Conference fees: SEDERI members (€50), non-SEDERI members (€60), attendants (€20) / Registration: 2 September 2019 – 30 September 2019
I SEDERI International Conference for Junior Researchers
University of Murcia, 9-11 October 2019
Keynote Speakers:
Zenón Luis-Martínez, President of SEDERI
(Universidad de Huelva, Spain)
Sonia Massai
(King’s College London, UK)
Paul Prescott
(University of Warwick, UK)
Rui Carvalho Homem
(Universidade do Porto)
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre
(Universidad de Murcia)
Dirk Delabastita
(Université de Namur)
Emma Depledge
(Université de Neuchâtel)
Keith Gregor
(Universidad de Murcia)
Sarah Olive
(University of York)
Sabine Schülting
(Freie Universität Berlin)
Jesús Tronch Pérez
(Universitat de València)
Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin
(Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3)
Jennifer Ruiz-Morgan, chair
(Universidad de Murcia)
Alba Bodí García
(Universitat de València)
Luis Javier Conejero Magro
(Universidad de Extremadura)
Keith Gregor
(Universidad de Murcia)
Ángela López García
(Universidad de Murcia)
Diego Morales Arocas
(Universidad de Murcia)
Juan Pedro Navarro Martínez
(Universidad de Murcia)
Anna Ohlídalová
(Charles University)
Sonia Sofía Perelló
(Universidad de Murcia)
Verónica Rodríguez Garrido
(Universidad de Murcia)
Inmaculada N. Sánchez-García, webmaster
(Newcastle University)
Sofía Virgili Viudes
(Universidad de Murcia)

Este Congreso (21195/OC/19) está financiado por la Consejería de Empleo, Universidades, Empresa y Medio Ambiente de la CARM, a través de la Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia con cargo al Programa Regional de Movilidad, Colaboración e Intercambio de Conocimiento “Jiménez de la Espada”.
In collaboration with